Tuesday, April 19, 2005

i wanna write stuff like this

another action packed day.

met other dude i'd be working for today. Mr. "Low Maintenance" was a riot and a half. still has his boston accent even though he's been working three years in NY before moving west almost a year ago.

he talked very fast like he had an agenda he didn't want to give you time to figure out.

i'm not sure what to do. that makes me crazier than anything, when i have an important decision to make that will effect my life in a too huge to fathom way, and i need to decide.

i have been known to fast, pray and flip coins folks. no lie.

not this time. this time i'm going to make my best most calculated risk, and live with it. and make the best of it if i have to.

like i've also been known to do.

welp, time for zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

oh yeah - i went to this karaoke place tonight and had a beer and sang a song. i've decided my living room variety is better because i can sing more than i have to listen to folks sing out of tune and in the wrong key.

i'm not being snobby, it was just downright painful at times.

but i'm glad i checked it out. it'll be funner with friends.

isn't everything? even poetry ...


Blogger Z Family said...

ok, maybe a little snobby...

12:18 AM  
Blogger Ray Nolan said...

Thanks for the link.

I actually stopped going to one partivular bar on one particular night (partly) because of the karaoke.

Painful, yes.

I also got tired of hearing the same two dozen drunks singing the same two dozen songs off key.

That's a lie. They could have sang a different song every time and it wouldn't have helped.

They also had the volume craanked louder than AC/DC.

In a broom closet sized bar.

AND they all had really glowing personalities.

That's a lie too.

They were boorish.

But a few of them were hot, so they had that.

Did I forget to mention that it had the added advantage of being even more clique-ish than high-school.

AND that I was in the exact same clique I was a member of in High School - the nobodys.

AND that it took a freakin' half hour to get a beer.

AND that there was no where to sit.

Lovely place, other than all that.

4:52 AM  
Blogger Ray Nolan said...

Delete that google-bombing piece of crap Lori, speedy.

6:54 AM  
Blogger Bobby said...

Sometimes you walk in a bar, and you don't know it's a karaoke bar, and it's quite a suprise, you know?

6:24 PM  
Blogger Z Family said...

simpleton you are totally feeling my pain.

bobby i saw a couple leave very soon after they got over their surprize.

i'm going back this week though and have my strategy all set for maximum singing and minimum torture...

1:06 AM  

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