Thursday, February 10, 2005

Thoughts While Getting Your Cavities Filled

So I'm lounging in the dentist chair, waiting for the left side of my mouth to go completely numb and it does begin to feel like someone punched it there, but without any of the pain.

I was thinking about the fund-raising for armor and the support for our troops that folks have been buzzing about. I am very impressed with this effort by pacificists who by no means "support" this war.

For the same reason I have always noted the Christian parent who fully supports and cares for their pregnant teenage daughter, or the HIV-positive gay son. For me, it is the hallmark of true family. That unconditional, no-matter-what-you-do-you're-mine-and-I'll-take-care-of-you-even-though-I-may-not-agree-with-you, love.

I'll pass on the novocain and feel the pain of "with you to the end" love.

For the more enraged among us: heap burning coals on the heads of your enemies love.

Here's a twinkie and some bed sheets and kevlar blankets to keep your bodies safe and warm love.

(i just discovered green catfish and i are totally on the same page today)


Blogger Timothy said...

sometimes I forget that page exists

sometimes I'm too concerned with the blank pages ahead

sometimes I'm too concerned with the pages I want to tear out

but that page, this page - it's a good page

4:13 PM  
Blogger Z Family said...

it is a good page. i'm enjoying the whole chapter!

12:36 PM  

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