Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Blog Reading

Yup, been doing it again. It takes energy, don't it? And all the links mean it takes like half an hour to get through a sentence sometimes.

But it is SO cool. I love it. I think it's because I really enjoy people. They amaze me.

As far as what to put on your blog. Hmmm, there's really no rule is there? Blogs are people and people are different degrees of openness and comfortable with themselves and it will always be that way.

I liked reading this off Anti's blog. As one new to the blogosphere, it helped identify the faux pas and fuzzy paws and all that. Cause it is mostly about respecting folks. Most of it was so obvious, too, after I read it!

Kinda like Radiohumper's mature, masculine man / friend with the advice on guns. It's so obvious, after you read it.

I think you need to treat every blog like it's fully loaded, keeping your finger off the trigger and not pointing it at anyone you wouldn't want to hurt.

It really is an amazing thing that we get to be in eachother's lives so intimately, in a world where everyone is usually so guarded and protected and into themselves.

I am way too tired to write anymore. And I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. But I get to play soccer tomorrow night, so I'll just focus on that part of tomorrow.


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