Saturday, June 25, 2005

off the grid

i think our society is screwed up and messing up people's lives. i KNOW this and SEE this as plainly as you do i'm sure. the incredible thing is how many of us are DUPED.

love is the shit.

if you can't find love and keep it and grow it into something bigger and better than you ever thought possible, then what the hell is life good for?

i'm NOT talking about romantic love, so single folk, keep reading.

i'm talking about the thing that makes your eyes twinkle and your heart throb at the sight of a beautiful morning or piece of art. the reason why you eat til you're full and burp cause you're grateful.

kids make you smile no matter how busy you are with the things on your to do list.

you laugh really loud and annoy most people.

that's the love i mean. and you have to know you want it and look for it until you find it. if it doesn't come right away, you keep looking and don't quit. if you find someone else who's got it, you envy them but eventually imitate them and become like them, much to your surprize and glee.

but that's just me.


Blogger Ray Nolan said...

I dunno.

I feel that.


But it isn't enough for me.

I'm a black hole.

5:00 PM  
Blogger Bobby said...

love and more food

-- and I'm happy

5:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love bacon.

12:49 PM  

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