Friday, April 29, 2005

there was this *mother* walking down the stairs into Bart today with her not even 2 yr old in a stroller that she held with one hand while the other held her cup of coffee.

watching her inch her baby precariously down the stairs, left back wheel, right back wheel, left, right, and the baby sway and hang while the stroller tipped from side to side, until she let some other pained individual watching from behind help her get safely to the bottom, made my blood boil.

women like her should have their tubes tied well before puberty, just to be safe.

reckless and irresponsible parenting and any sort of abuse or cruelty toward children is the one thing I have a very hard time forgiving and believing that there is grace for.

i want to change this because if i don't, i'll never be able to admit the ways i personally fall short as a parent. while they're young and clueless, i'll be able to deceive myself into thinking that i'm doing everything right and once they're old enough to tell me otherwise, i won't be able to hear it because i'll have to protect my need to be the perfect parent who never makes mistakes or needs to say "i'm sorry" and really mean it.

the root is to forgive and understand my parents for their failures and ineptitude so that my own parenting isn't a one-up sort of endeavor to prove i'm better than them. show 'em how it's done.

then i won't be so surprized when i look in the mirror and see my mother. of course i will. see her that is.

then i'll be better able to do something about it before it's too late and my own kids grow up damaged and bitter because i never allowed myself to be human.

unforgiveable because i couldn't forgive myself.


Blogger Ray Nolan said...

Having the concerns, being self-aware, you might be more likely to "catch" yourself making mistakes, but you are less likely to repeat them.

Those who are overconfident may be sure that they are doing everything right, but probably not.

Critical thought leads to better results.

5:53 PM  
Blogger Bobby said...

You would be outraged by some of the stuff you’d see around here in DC. I’ll tell you that. One time I had to prevent a little tiny kid from running in front of a bus because the mom was too busy smacking her other kid. You see the youngest kids alone on buses and metro trains – six, seven years old and the parent put them on there.

I don’t have kids, but I read an interesting thing about parenting. It said that good parents are good because of who they are, not what they do. Like you hear about ‘culture cramming,’ dragging the kid to every museum and everything possible. But if you are already a person who is curious about your world, chances are your kid will be. But if you’re not that way already, it’s almost as though it’s too late to impose that on a kid. I don’t know.

8:59 AM  
Blogger Ray Nolan said...

Hey Speedy.

I had a dream about you last night.

No, not that kind of dream.

Just that a customer came into the store, and I ID'd her to buy cigarettes, and she pulled out a bunch of ID's and one of them had your name on it.

I dug through the pile of fake ID's looking for the one with your fake name on it, and couldn't find it again.

Come back soon.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Ray Nolan said...

I still remember you and hope all is well.

3:04 PM  
Blogger Ray Nolan said...

My own site is down. (Stupid blogger unsupport)

I'm not sure if you are still out there.

Good Luck.

10:21 PM  
Blogger Ray Nolan said...

You're back!


I'm back too.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Z Family said...

Just gmailed you Zoinks - its soooo good to be back. Is Emergency Broadcast you're new spot?

4:41 PM  
Blogger Ray Nolan said...


Simpleton is working again.

Emercency blogcasting is exactly what it sounds like.

7:46 PM  

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