Monday, October 03, 2005

i'm going to join a tennis team i think. tomorrow is the big day. two teams said they had room for more players.

two losing teams.

all the winning teams seem to come from the fancy clubs. i don't want a club. just a tennis team that practices and plays on local public courts.

i think it'll be fun. been playing soccer, but it's not the same now that i'm trying to act all tame and not trip and bite people.

nope. if i'm gonna play soccer, i have to go all out. but that means it becomes rather too high risk for my taste and age. (i didn't just write that did i?)

yep, so decided it's time to move on.

oh c'mon! at least it's not golf. it's still great exercise. just not a warrior sport. and i must admit, i like those.

until i started playing with men over thirty.

i'm pretty convinced they allow 3 women on the field per team so that there are babes to party with after.

don't let her beat him to the ball. don't let her tell him off when he talks trash. he may start a shmear campaign and pressure her out of her game.
