Thursday, March 24, 2005

Prepare to be Assimilated...

Dear Radio, thank you for your post on Tuesday. It took my breath away, leaving me speechless and wanting some of the same. Then a few minutes ago I read Whitey's post you linked and exhaled.

It is so good to be here.

I found myself thinking about your post all the way home yesterday and what a beautiful person you are. (I hope this doesn't embarass you. Kinda tony -style, huh?)

I had carefully planned my earlier than usual commute to a couple appointments so that I could leave work as close to 4 o clock as possible and still get to a 4:30 on the east bay. I checked the bart schedule, plotted my course and even jogged to/from the stations.

Then, in the moment of decision, I boarded the wrong train and headed for Fremont. As I was thinking about your blog. Not your fault. Just testimony, perhaps, to the power of blog.

mr. and i found ourselves at a a surprizingly quiet post-dinner table last night while boy checked his email and toddler (quietly!) played with his toys in another room. Sometimes i believe they listen to our conversations and enjoy us enjoying the pleasure of one another's company enough to leave us alone for a minute. maybe it soothes them like a favorite radio show in the background. and i imagine if we season them just right, they may someday come out of the oven alright.

the half-baked gave mr. time to ask me what i was thinking and i told him about how i had tried to explain to docs how amazing writing and particularly, blogging, has been.

"what's a blog?" they both asked me, and I could tell they have heard rumors of something and are just picking my brain for more or perhaps a positive spin.

mr. became passionate and described it as "the group mind" and i mentioned the Borg, only not so aggressive and totalitarian, and my trekkie lit up and went on to say that sci fi writers have been talking about this inevitable phenomenon for years and when i asked for names he threw out isaac asim(in)ov. oh yeah, i remember him.

i liked the "group-mind" comparison. mr. blamed docs' interest on the fact that blogging just may put them out of a job. he would say that. i had merely thought that they were always looking for new and better ways to help their patients ... silly, naive ol' me.

then after tater tots were tucked in and angel upstairs (89-year old neighbor) was visited, we rendez-voused in front of the tube (Law & Order, our favorite) and he let me rub his sore back.

I love every post, comment and email you graciously write and share like precious pearls of the rarest wisdom. i truly hope you don't mind my saying so publicly that you inspire me, you challenge me.

you make me believe that there are kind and perhaps divine strangers in my neighborhood. that even though i may do nothing more than share the same grocery line with them, never catching their real name, and then absently studying their bumper stickers at the next traffic light on the way home, it makes me all the more hopeful to imagine you are them.

you make me love myself more because i sometimes remind myself of you. and that makes me smile.

see you around,



Blogger Ray Nolan said...


11:05 AM  
Blogger Radiohumper said...

Yes. Wow.

I think Simpleton will agree with me that what you said about what I write is better than what I write.

And Whitey is better than I'll ever be.

I don't deserve your attention, but I appreciate it if something I write in despair gives someone else pleasure. I just hope someone doesn't follow the links and go "whaaaaaat? yuck!".

To remind someone of how we are alike is about the highest compliment of any art. Thank you!

I'm not high, just tired. ; )

8:47 PM  
Blogger Z Family said...

we are blorg! i'm #10477526 ...

10:21 PM  

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