Sunday, April 10, 2005

I haven't been here since Thursday? Impossible! I live here.

I do. I'm like the walking blogging. Now I just need to take simpleton's advice and write stuff down so i'm not reinventing the wheel every night after kiddos are in bed.

speaking of the kiddos ... toddler gave me a scare today and so i scared him right back...

there i was, arms full of interview worthy attire, for the rescheduled "dream job" interview that was supposed to have happened on friday but - thankfully - they switched it to tomorrow. and so ann taylor outlet here i come, blue jackets beware, we're coming in for your $29.99 pinstriped hides - yes! THIRTY BUCKS for an ann taylor off the rack, no i don't wanna be a man, i just dress like one, jacket. so, of course, i'm buying two and arms full of loot when two-year old trouble goes smirking out the door and out of sight.

uh. oh my god, can i put these here for a sec? i gotta get my kid ... Boy, stay right here, i'll be right back.

out the door and onto the side walk - scan the parking lot, whew he's not in the street, not to the left nor right either - damn he's fast!

and then, there he was behind a column, anticipating mommy and all eager to be found ...

oh, so you think this is a game do you?

"zz, if you keep doing that someone is going to take you away. a stranger will put you in their car and drive you away and you won't see mommy anymore ever again."

yup. i broke it down to my two-year old today. this is the world we live in and he was making a pre-school game of my worst nightmare.

i got his attention you better believe it.

then Ms. "Oh goodie i get to hassle the harried mother today" cashier gave me the "the line's back there" line, to which i handily replied "yes, i know, i was ahead of all those people before I put my clothes down here so i could chase after my fleeing two-year old." would you care to crap on me some more and add more stress to my stressful occasion, or will that be all?

no i didn't say that last part. the kids were there with me so I behaved myself. but if i were alone ...

i don't take my kids out with me much (i swore after attending every bank, hair and real estate appointment as a child that i would never put my own children through that extreme torture at such a young age, even if it is a cruel world i'm preparing them for) so I especially had to teach the baby a few things today about slamming dressing room doors so hard that all the rooms shake and people start yelling like we're neighbors and my TV's blaring too loud, even for the ghetto.

and he shouldn't lie on the floor to get a better view of the goings on in the stall next to us or down the hall. yikes! i pissed many people off today.

boy was such a sweetie and so helpful to mommy, the saleslady offered him a job and tried to put him to work. he didn't even humor her. i loved it.

i am definitely not teaching my children the whole "strangers are the friends you haven't met yet" philosophy of life. not yet anyway - i'm waiting until they're old enough to give em hell if they need to.

but it was all worth it because i now am all ready to suit up for the big interview. i haven't been this worked up about anything for quite awhile. i hope i relax and "use the force, luke" when the time comes, because at this rate i'm bound to say something really stupid.

anyhow. check out simpleton's posts of late - they're hot. and selfinflictedlife is a new hero of mine. i really like what she had to say about terry and jp, our world's more recent escapees.

(not to mention her shweet new banner)



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